Bronx Park

The Daily Plant : Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Bicycle Pathway Is Opened Along The Bronx River

Photo by Daniel Avila

Residents living in Muskrat Cove now have access to a new pathway located between East 233rd and East 244th in Bronx Park that offers recreational opportunities for walking, jogging, biking, and in-line skating.

On May 28, Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe joined Chair of the Bronx River Alliance Joan Bryon, Bronx River Administrator and Bronx River Alliance Executive Director Linda Cox, District Manager of Community Board 12 Carmen Rosa, and eighth graders from the NYC Outward Bound program to cut the ribbon on the newly reconstructed $1.5 million pathway of the northernmost segment of the Bronx River Greenway.

With $800,000 in funds allocated by the U.S. Department of Transportation through the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, and $682,000 allocated by Mayor Bloomberg, the existing half-mile bicycle path in Muskrat Cove was reconstructed to provide safer riding conditions for both adults and children. The reconstruction includes new pavement, on-street signage, guardrails, bicycle racks, planting beds, erosion control elements, and reconstruction of the stone wall. The area is called Muskrat Cove for the native muskrats that are sometimes seen on the river, particularly around dusk.

The Muskrat Cove portion of the Bronx River Greenway project, along with several others in design and construction, will form the Bronx River Greenway, a proposed 23-mile multi-use path that would connect Bronx River communities along the river in Westchester and the Bronx.

Eight miles of the proposed Bronx River Greenway is located within New York City, and more than four miles of the greenway already completed. The City portion of the greenway stretches from the Westchester County border to the South Bronx and includes waterfront parks such as the recently completed $1.4 million River Park, the $3.3 million Hunts Point Riverside Park and the $10 million Concrete Plant Park, which is currently under construction.

A greenway is a linear open space, such as a path or trail, which links parks and communities around the City, providing public access to green spaces and the waterfront. Greenways expand recreational opportunities for walking, jogging, biking, and in-line skating. Greenways answer the growing public demand for safe and pleasant ways to travel about the City.

In 1993, the City of New York had a vision to create 350 miles of landscaped bicycle and pedestrian paths that would crisscross the City's five boroughs and enrich the lives of all New Yorkers. Currently Parks has built over 100 miles of the proposed greenway system.


Three Parkies from the Bronx receive International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certification. Deputy Chief of Operations Thomas Russo and Director of Forestry James LeMyre received advanced certification as Municipal Specialists, and Forester Brewster Heatley received the Certified Arborist designation.

The certified arborist credential demonstrates a higher level of commitment to the practice of arboriculture and requires that the forester/arborist take continuing education credits to maintain this professional certification. The certification exam covers topics such as tree biology and physiology and practical knowledge of tree care.

The Municipal Specialist designation demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the establishment and continued maintenance of trees in an urban forest or community environment. This credential focuses on policy making/planning, administration, public relations/communications, risk management and advanced arboricultural practice.

Submitted by James LeMyre


“Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Albert Einstein

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