Al Quiñones Playground

Kelly St bet. Av St John and Leggett Av


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Playground 52 in the South Bronx is a place of gathering, play, and bustling activity. On the Kelly Street side, park goers can find separate play areas for younger and older children, a colorful spray shower for the summer months, as well as handball courts, a comfort station, and a skate park. Towards Avenue St. John and Beck Street, park goers can find two full-court basketball courts, and an amphitheater with a large dance floor that is a popular venue for concerts and salsa dancing.

This playground is named for the advocacy group “52 People for Progress”. First assembled in 1980 under the direction of Al Quinones, the group invested thousands of hours improving their neighborhood park. 52 People for Progress is an early example of an advocacy group that joined forces with Parks to help revitalize and maintain parkland within their community.

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