List of Parks
This is not an entirely exhaustive list of Park Properties. If you see something missing or have a suggestion of how we can improve this list, please contact us.
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Featured Queens Parks
Queens Parks by Name
Josephine Caminiti Playground
102 St. bet. Corona Ave. and Alstyne Ave.
Judge Angelo Graci Triangle
N. Conduit Ave., Sutter Ave. bet. 77 St. and 78 St.
Judge Moses Weinstein Playground
Union Turnpike, Vleigh Pl., 141 St.
Juniper Valley Park
Juniper Blvd. bet. Lutheran Ave., 71 St. and Dry Harbor Rd.
Kissena Corridor Park
College Point Blvd. to Francis Lewis Blvd. & Crommelin St. to Union Tpke.
Kissena Park
Underhill, Oak, Rose, Booth Memorial Aves, Kissena Blvd, Fresh Meadow Ln
L/CPL Thomas P. Noonan Jr. Playground
47 Ave., Greenpoint Ave. bet. 42 St. and 43 St.