The Big Park Playground
Grandview Ave, at Continental Pl
Get directions, photos, and more information about The Big Park

Wheelchair Accessible
This playground has ramps or transfer stations or accessible play elements (see "Accessible Play Elements" below.)

Has Restrooms: Yes, has wheelchair-accessible public restroom
Accessible Play Elements
Types of Accessible Play Features: Ground-level play features, Water-based play features
Ramps: Yes
Mobility Transfer Systems: Yes
Accessible Swings (Under Age 5): No
Accessible Swings (Ages 5-12): Yes
Accessible Amenities
Companion Seating (Space in between benches for wheelchair users): Yes
Benches with backs and armrests: Yes
Accessible Game Tables: No
Accessible Drinking Fountains: Yes
Inclusive Play Elements

Sensory-Friendly Spaces for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Yes
Multi-Sensory Play Experiences for Children with Sensory Impairments: Auditory, Tactile