Manhattan Avenue
Manhattan Avenue Street-end, Greenpoint
Sunrise to Sunset (April 1 to December 1)
Rules Prohibit:
- Swimming, diving, or bathing
- Rafts or other inflatables
- Consumption of alcohol
- Littering
- Smoking
- Any discharge into water
- Pets off leash or in the water
- Open flame
- Storing personal property
- Motor vehicles without specific authorization
Location Details
Launch: Yes
Landing: Yes
Site Fee: No
ADA Accessible: No
Rental: No
Storage: No
Rest Area: Yes
Parking: Yes-street parking
Portage: 50 feet
Nearby Locations
By Mass Transit
G-train to the Greenpoint Avenue Station. Walk north on Manhattan Avenue to Newtown Creek.
Paddle east up the creek towards Maspeth. Paddle north across the creek into Dutch Kills except at high tide. Paddle west toward the mouth of the creek and East River.
Hazardous Launch/Landing Conditions
Ladder down into water. Easier at high tide. Creek is narrow and barge traffic is frequent.
minimal in the creek
Emergency Landing Points
DEP Nature Walk to the east