Women’s History and Parks

Lesbian gathering at a gay pride rally in Central Park, July 1970.


Explore New York City parks named for women, public art by women, and park spaces that feature monuments that honor women's history. Learn about these incredible women and the parks that tell their inspiring stories.

Women's History Month

Since the nation's founding, women have worked ceaselessly to advocate for recognition of their labor, their equality, and their civil rights. In the 1970s, groups began to highlight the historical contributions of women as part of public events. 1978 marked the first "Women's History Week," which coincided with International Women's Day, March 8. In 1987, Congress voted to make March Women's History Month (New York City had recognized the month of March as Women's History Month since 1981). 

This March, join us in celebrating women, both historical and in recent history, who have contributed to shaping our history, culture, and the future of parks. 

Namesake Parks and Park Spaces

Many of our parks honor women, both local and worldwide. Learn about the parks that honor:

Public Art

Explore monuments in our parks that honor women, as well as sculptures by women currently on display in our parks.