Katharine Hepburn Garden How did this site become a garden?
Katharine Hepburn Garden in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza opened in 1997. At the community’...
Ken De Groat Ballfield This baseball diamond bears the name of dedicated Inwood Little League coach, Ken De Groat (1942-1991). De Groat became invol...
Kimlau Square Located at the intersection of Oliver Street, East Broadway, the Bowery, and Park Row, Kimlau Square stands at the center of C...
Kimlau War Memorial
This granite ceremonial gateway with a peaked roof stands at the confluence of several streets in the heart of Manhattan&rs...
King Jagiello Monument This larger-than-life bronze equestrian statue depicts King Wladyslaw Jagiello, the Grand Duke of Lithuania who united Lithuan...
Kreyeti-Aekyad #2 and Eaphae-Aekyad #2 These two abstract, welded steel sculptures are by Douglas Abdell. Abdell was born March 16, 1947 in Boston, Massachusetts, a...